Tom Gehring

Tom's Books


Settle It!
and be Blessed

There comes a time in your life when you have to settle it.  Be done with it.  It’s time.  Do not let things drag on.  Weigh you down.  Stop you from progressing.  Stop you from proceeding with your mission in life.  It’s not worth it.  It never is.  It never will be.  You, who are reading this, are a precious person.  Your potential is real.  Your potential is unfathomable.  You have much to give.  Whatever it is in your life that you need to settle, a lawsuit, a dispute with a family member, a friend, a neighbor, a business partner, a personal problem, a bad habit, an addiction—do it now.  You will be blessed if you do.  And you will be a blessing to others.  Settle It! now.  And get back to your blessing.



There once was a hurt and broken person who had a lot of problems. Indeed, he had experienced a lot of pain and suffering in his life. He was at his wit’s end. He wanted to end it all. What was the point of going on? Why bother? He was ready to give up. He was done. But, he decided he would take one more crack at solving his problems before ending it all. What did he have to lose? The man decided to look for the ultimate problem solver. One just had to exist. A counselor, a psychiatrist, a preacher, a teacher, a brilliant philosopher, the ultimate friend. Someone. And so his new journey began.